Altcoins // Top 5 Cryptocurrencies to HODL in 2023

7 min readSep 23, 2022


crypto altcoins — top coins to hodl in 2023

Hello, dear crypto enthusiast!

Let’s face it. Crypto has been suffering in the year of 2022. Most coins are down and the economy all over the world is struggling. Pandemic, Russia vs Ukraine, inflation, recession, Terra Luna collapse … these are only few keywords tied to 2022 which led us into the bear market.

However, bear markets are when millionaires are made: “Be fearful when others are greedy, and be greedy when others are fearful.”

In this article, we will take a look at the top 5 crypto tokens that are worth diamond handing through 2023.

I believe many of them might absolutely explode, especially if the world economy starts recovering and the bulls come back! We’re talking 10x — 100x and perhaps with some luck even a 1000x is realistic in some scenarios.

Recession can’t last forever… So better pile up your bags now when cryptos are cheap!

(And remember this is not financial advice, and I am not a financial advisor).

7 best crypto tokens to hold in 2023

This article focuses on altcoins. Meaning that we’re obviously excluding kings and queens from our list — like BTC & ETH. If you’re into Bitcoin and Ethereum, you’re obviously a safe player. This article will talk about altcoins, which means you need to expect higher volatility.

Our criteria for selecting the top 5 cryptocurrencies for 2023 are:

  1. Community — The strength of the community (w/o a positive community surrounding the token, a crypto is bound to fail).
  2. Usability — The vision of the token and the utility it’s providing to the real world.
  3. Safety — Safety of the smart contract (locked liquidity, wallet distribution, audits, etc).
  4. Popularity — Can you find tweets about it, redditors talk about it, how popular a token actually is?
  5. Potential — Current market capitalization vs where it can go if xyz happens.

Without further ado, let’s go to our list. Let me know in the comment section what you think.

If you like our list, please share this article on social media, and spread positive word about the cryptocurrencies. Crypto is young, and mark my words: crypto is the future of finance.

1. Shiba Inu [$SHIB]

Shiba has an amazing community, the ShibArmy is very strong, and is currently far away from its all-time high sitting at $0.00001069. This makes me extremely bullish about the Shib token, and I would definitely advise diamond handing it through 2023.

But isn’t Shib just a meme?

It started as a meme, but it’s gaining real-world utility. Did you know that certain companies are accepting Shib as a form of payment? Here you can read an article and learn that over 500 merchants are accepting Shiba Inu coin as a payment method!

Not to mention the Shibarium, which is an entire blockchain being developed by the Shib devs. Once shibarium is launched, things are going to explode for $Shib.

Is my Shib investment safe? — Well, Shib’s been around for years now, and it’s not going anywhere. Also the CertiK audited the smart contract and gave Shib an excellent score 93 / 100.

2. Ethereum Hive [$EHIVE]

EHIVE — ethereum hive validators of ETH 2.0

The EHIVE is an ERC-20 token and is quite different compared to SHIB.

While $Shib has been around for years now, the $EHIVE was just born recently. It’s a very, very young crypto project, about 2 weeks old, so DYOR!

However, the Ethereum Hive is a true gem that can do an actual 1000x in 2023! It is currently sitting at around 2.5M market cap, and trending on DexTools daily due to the outstanding +1m volume per day. The hype is real!

The Ethereum Hive brings possibility for an average investor to become an ETH validator. Traditionally, an investor would have to put 32 ETH to become a validator. While $EHIVE uses staking pool and tokeonomics to buy validators and makes a possibility for every EHIVE holder to get passive income in the form of Ethereum and the native token $EHIVE.

Great concept, great utility, strong dev team, only 2,200 holders at the time of writing this article … Worth hodling this gem and raid along.

This will either moon hard and do a 100x — 1000x, or it will go to zero. By the way, even though EHIVE is so young, they have already passed the TechRate security audit. Which makes me very bullish, since the results of audit show that the token is safe to trade.

I should also mention that they secured their 1st CEX listing just a few days ago — The IndoEX Global! The team said on the AMA that this is just the first exchange out of many more that are coming in the near future.

3. Volt Inu [$VOLT]


The Volt Inu token has had an outstanding run-up back in March/April 2022. It has a very strong community and many influencers are behind this crypto gem.

It’s current market cap is 50M. This is a sleeping giant that only needs 1 or 2 strong catalysts to wake up and go haywire.

So, what’s VOLT about?

It is a highly deflationary token, that’s working on a number of things — staking, yield farms, NFTs, and soon releasing their own trading platform VoltiChange.

The idea behind VoltiChange is to list other crypto tokens, and provide deflationary functionality. Quite a creative concept. By lowering the supply of other tokens, the value per token will grow with time.

This can (with time) result in a large ecosystem, where many tokens are supporting each other and working together on promotional content. I see Volt Inu as a long-term hodl that’s going to perform very well if the development team delivers quality and functionality — of which I’m pretty confident they are going to!

4. Lillian Finance / Lilly Finance [$LY]

Lillian Finance LY token medical blockchain LILLY

Where do we start with this one?.. After some #WolfPack drama, Lillian launched on UniSwap back in February 2022. Since then, the project has been expanding partnerships, got listed on BitMart, LBank, Probit, and even ShibaSwap!

The focus of Lilian is to help children, to organize surgeries, and in the long-term to release their own medical finance blockchain. The blockchain may happen in 2023 that is why I am so bullish about Lilly.

The developers of Lillian Finance (aka Lilly Finance) are all doxxed and show themselves publicly to the community. This gives us big confidence, since we know they have nothing to hide. Here’s a great YouTube AMA that took place just a couple days ago, if you’d like to learn more about the team and the project.

Lillian Finance operates under 2 legal entities:

  • Lillian Finance, LLC
  • Lillian Bay Foundation, INC

The first mentioned is “for profit”, generating income for child surgeries. The second is a 501c3 non-profit and deals with organizing and funding surgeries to help children.

So far, Lillian has saved 3 children by utilizing their native token $LY.

They are currently pending a federal 501c3 status. Once this comes to realization, many doors will open. From exchanges to new partnerships and much, much more.

Not to mention that the #LillianTribe community is very strong and always positive!

5. Terra Classic [$LUNC]

LUNC — terra classic LUNA token crypto

If you haven’t heard of the LUNAtics yet, you probably do not use Twitter at all. Some of the previous crypto tokens on our list are still hidden gems. On the contrary, LUNC is already a giant.

LUNC has one of the strongest crypto communities out there. There are so many supporters tweeting about Terra Classic that I believe it is only a matter of time before $LUNC moons.

LUNA has collapsed in the middle of 2022. The reason for the Luna collapse was the depeg of UST stablecoin, which consequently made the protocol print tons of Luna tokens, creating a hyperinflationary effect.

The difference between the old LUNA (Terra LUNA) and the new token LUNC (Terra Classic): Both versions of the token have the right to exist as a result of the implementation of a proposal called Terra Ecosystem Revival Plan 2. The essence of the plan is to split the current blockchain through forking, which created a new chain in the ecosystem, preserving the previous version.

LUNC is supported by most top tier exchanges: Binance, KuCoin, Huobi, FTX, etc. So it can basically be bought everywhere.

The important thing is that most of these exchanges are also supporting the burn of LUNC, creating deflationary effect. This means that in the long-run, we may see very high prices of the LUNC token.


We’ve come to an end. Hope you enjoyed your read! And don’t forget to give a comment about what you think! Do you agree with our list, would you include some other altcoins, which cryptos are you bullish about?

Would really like to hear your feedback.

You can reach me on Twitter:

Now, let’s win this! And let’s spread some love ❤

#Shib #Ehive #Volt #LillianFinance #Lunc




Just another random blogger, who likes to write pretty much about anything and everything :) Primarily I focus on physical and psychological health. Enjoy.